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  • Istituto DIRPOLIS
  • Area di Giustizia Penale
  • Workshop

Sharing Climate Duties Across Generations: A Dialogue

Data 27.09.2021 orario


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On September 27th 2021, from 3.00 to 5.30 pm (CEST), the Research Area in Public Ethics (Dirpolis Institute) and Labont - Center for Ontology (Università di Torino) will present the workshop "Sharing Climate Duties Across Generations: A Dialogue". The relators are Gianfranco Pellegrino (Luiss Guido Carli) and Axel Gosseries (UCLouvain). Introduction: Tiziana Andina (University of Turin) and Alberto Pirni (Sant’Anna School of Advanced Studies).
The workshop will take place via WEBEX only at the following link:


Gianfranco Pellegrino (Luiss Guido Carli): "Sharing Climate Duties Across Generations: Intergenerational Rescue and Taking Up the Slack"

Climate change triggers intergenerational distributive justice duties as well as intergenerational corrective duties. The latter are the duties to redress the wrong of future climate harms, by saving or funding adaptation. In this paper, I defend two claims: first, these duties are analogous to the duty of rescue in standard rescue cases (in a specific interpretation of them); second, these duties increase across generations. Later generations have greater duties than previous one, at least given past non-compliance.

Axel Gosseries: "Past non-compliance and climate duties to the future: a reply"